Adding many circles to a google map -

i'm attempting draw many circles (around 1000) on google map, @ various locations , sizes, , binding click event them. many calls of new; makes page loading slow, , hangs forever, i'd figure out if there's better/faster way accomplish i'm trying do.

i see there's called kml layer, there doesn't appear easy way draw filled circles , i'm not sure if can still bind click events each individual circle in layer or not.

looking @ circle workaround on google kml faq page, i'm not sure if generating kml file contains thousands of circles similar end saving time.

i have no idea how go generating kml file.

finally, take consideration i'm pulling circles i'm attempting draw database, i'd either have generate kml file on fly use or generate new file every time circle removed or added db file stays date.

of course, if there's alternative, i'm ears!

with of others via google maps api v3 group, able implement map overlay handles 10,000 points suprisingly well. trick use canvas tile overlay, minimizes number of dom elements in exchange simpler/lighter-weight pojsos (plain old javascript objects).

demo page w/mouse click events (api v2 only):
demo page w/cursor swapping (api v2 , v3):


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