iphone - Inheritance in Objective C -

i have main game class renders game using open gl. thought inherit class , call [super init] in init method copy of it. plan make modifications in copy seems doesn't work.

the following header file of class:

#import "gameview.h"   @interface cloneview : gameview {  }  -(id)initwithframe:(cgrect)frame;  @end 

and clone view class:

@implementation cloneview  -(id)initwithframe:(cgrect)frame{     return [super initwithframe:frame]; }  @end 

if set break point in init method in gameview class stops there. thing is: clone view doesn't rendered, screen stays black. missing? help!

edit record: tried without implementing initframe , got same result. (as expected initframe above isn't doing apart calling super)

edit 2 i'm adding clone view i'm creating 2 eagle contexts. reason why doesn't work?

if not adding in init function of cloneview don't have rewrite it. can have class inherit gameview , automatically copies it's init function.


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