.net - Silverlight localization - how to override windows culture -

i got english windows version , can't debug localizing application 2 languages russsian , english.

from understand following code should enough in app constructor:

            if (language == language.russian) {                 thread.currentthread.currentculture = russian_culture;                 thread.currentthread.currentuiculture = russian_culture;             }             else {                 thread.currentthread.currentculture = english_culture;                 thread.currentthread.currentuiculture = english_culture;             } 

cultures objects correct cultures (ru-ru , en-us).

however when application ran on russian windows if ignored, , russian strings used.

notice language change works correct on machine (en windows)

i read in "clr via c#" book jeff richter:

(about currentuiculture)

by default, when create thread, thread property set culterinfo object, identifies language of windows version application running on using win32 getuserdefaultuilanguage function. if running multilingual user interface (mui) version of windows, can set via "regional , language options" control panel settings. on non-mui version of windows, language determined localised version of os installed (or installed language pack) , language not changeable.


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