jqgrid number formatter use -
in formatter, i've got following code:
formatter: { number: { decimalseparator: ".", thousandsseparator: " ", decimalplaces: 4, defaultvalue: '0.0000' } },
and in colmodel have:
{ name: 'salesprice', index: 'salesprice', width: 90, align: 'left', formatter:'number', editable: true, editoptions: { readonly: true } }
my datatype set "local"
when first display form, "0.00" , not "0.0000" hoping for. morever, in inline editing mode, salesprice value changes depending upon other cells in grid. after updates salesprice value shown integer.
what doing wrong?
edit: more complete code
$("#customerorderlinelist").jqgrid({ // url: 'someurl', datatype: 'local', formatter: { number: { decimalseparator: ".", thousandsseparator: " ", decimalplaces: 4, defaultvalue: '0.0000' } }, // mtype: 'post', colnames: [ 'part number', 'sales price'], colmodel: [ { name: 'partnumber', index: 'partnum', width: 90, align: 'left', editable: true, editoptions: { datainit: function (el) { $(el).autocomplete({ source: "autocomplete", minlength: 1 }); } } }, { name: 'salesprice', index: 'salesprice', width: 90, align: 'left', formatter: 'number', formatoptions: { decimalseparator: ".", thousandsseparator: " ", decimalplaces: 4, defaultvalue: '0.0000' }, editable: true, editoptions: { readonly: true } } ], pager: jquery('#pager'), rownum: 10, rowlist: [5, 10, 20, 50], sortable: true, sortname: 'partnum', sortorder: "asc", viewrecords: true, imgpath: '', autowidth: true, onselectrow: function (id, status) { if (id && id !== lastsel) { $('#customerorderlinelist').jqgrid('restorerow', lastsel); $('#customerorderlinelist').jqgrid('editrow', id, true); lastsel = id; } }, caption: 'caption' });
you don't posted full code it's difficult problem. @ the demo explain , has no problem.
i used formatoptions
because unclear me set formatter
values th number
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