jquery - Hide/Show Dropdowns based on previous dropdown selection with Javascript -

looking answer in jquery or mootools (mootools preferably) - have 2 'hidden' drop downs , 1 shows.

once user selects choice displayed dropdown, want appropriate dropdown list show up. once make selection 2nd list, appropriate 3rd list show up.

if user goes , changes choice on first drop down, other drop downs should go being hidden, , 2nd dropdown list should show.

the current setup works first time user loads page - if select first drop down, appropriate list in 2nd drop down displays. if go , change it, nothing happens. i'm sure it's javascript i'm not it. looking this.

here current js:

var lastlist = ""; function changedropdowns(listname){ //hide last div if (lastlist) { document.getelementbyid('lastlist').style.display='none'; } //value box not nothing & object exists - change class display if (listname && document.getelementbyid(listname)){ document.getelementbyid(listname).style.display ='block'; lastlist=listname; } } 

my current html looks this: (i've included first , 2nd dropdowns, 3rd further breakdown)

dropdown 1 (shown when page loaded):

<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_custom" id="style_container_div"> <label>beer style:</label><select size="1" id="style" class=" validate['required']" title="" type="select" name="style" onchange="changedropdowns(this.value)"> <option value="">-choose style-</option> <option value="ale">ale</option> <option value="lager">lager</option> <option value="hybrid">hybrid</option> </select><div class="clear"></div><div id="error-message-style"></div></div> 

dropdown 2 (hidden - can see):

<div id="ale"  class="style-sub-1"  style="display: none;" name="stylesub1" onchange="changedropdowns(this.value)">   <label>which kind of ale?</label>     <select>       <option value="">-choose ale-</option>        <option value="american ale">american ale</option>       <option value="belgian / french ale">belgian / french ale</option>       <option value="english ale">english ale</option>       <option value="finnish ale">finnish ale</option>       <option value="german ale">german ale</option>       <option value="irish ale">irish ale</option>       <option value="russian ale">russian ale</option>       <option value="scottish ale">scottish ale</option>     </select> </div> <div id="lager"  class="style-sub-1"  style="display: none;" name="stylesub1" onchange="changedropdowns(this.value)">   <label>which kind of lager?</label>     <select>     <option value="">-choose lager-</option>       <option value="american lager">american lager</option>       <option value="czech lager">czech lager</option>       <option value="european lager">european lager</option>       <option value="german lager">german lager</option>       <option value="japanese lager">japanese lager</option>     </select> </div> <div id="hybrid"  class="style-sub-1"  style="display: none;" name="stylesub1" onchange="changedropdowns(this.value)">   <label>which kind of hybrid?</label>      <select>     <option value="">-choose hybrid-</option>       <option value="fruit / vegetable beer">fruit / vegetable beer</option>       <option value="herbed / spiced beer">herbed / spiced beer</option>       <option value="smoked beer">smoked beer</option>     </select> </div><div class="clear"></div><div id="error-message-style-sub-1"></div></div> 

this code work 2 levels shown:

$("#beerstyle").change ( function () {     var targid  = $(this).val ();     $("div.style-sub-1").hide ();     $('#' + targid).show (); } ) 

see in action @ jsfiddle.

3 levels of dropdowns, code becomes:

$("#beerstyle").change ( function () {     var targid  = $(this).val ();     $("div.style-sub-1, div.style-sub-2").hide ();     $('#' + targid).show (); } )  $("div.style-sub-1 select").change ( function () {     /*--- these option values non-standard double safe id's.         change values of option tags safe id's or          add rel attribute hold id's.     */     var targid  = $(this).val ();     $("div.style-sub-2").hide ();     $('#' + targid).show (); } ) 

note changed id "style" "beerstyle". not use super-common, or reserved words identifiers!


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