symfony1 - dynamically embedding forms -

i trying add embedding forms dynamically using single table in schema.

what mean is, in sfguarduserprofile table, have numerous fields determine user is, i.e. practice_id, nurse_id, patient_id

so, in mind, trying dynamically add nurses practices.

i have practice form, extends sfguarduseradminform, extends sfguarduser, can username, password etc stored in sfguarduser table.

within practiceform embedding practiceprofileform, displays fields need sfguarduserprofile table. hope following...

this works fine , see fields both tables.

now, bit unsure how do: embedding nurses. particularly unsure how this, practices , nurses saved in same table.


class practiceform extends sfguarduseradminform  {     public function configure()     {        $form = new practiceprofileform($this->getobject()->getprofile());        $this->embedform('profile', $form);     } } 

i have nurseform, again extends sfguarduser, embeds nurseprofileform, extends sfguarduserprofile fields need.


class dentistform extends sfguarduseradminform  {     public function configure()     {        $profileform = new nurseprofileform($this->object->profile);        $this->embedform('profile', $profileform);  { 


my schema.yml follows:

sfguarduserprofile:   actas:     timestampable: ~   columns:     user_id:       type: integer(11)       notnull: true       default:       unsigned: false       primary: false       unique: false       autoincrement: false     email_new:       type: string(255)       unique: true     firstname:       type: string(255)     lastname:       type: string(255)     practice_id:       type: integer(11)     nurse_name:       type: varchar(255)     practice_name:       type: varchar(255)     practice_type:       type: varchar(255)     validate_at:       type: timestamp     validate:       type: string(33)   relations:     user:       class: sfguarduser       foreign: id       local: user_id       type: 1       ondelete: cascade       foreigntype: 1       foreignalias: profile    practice:       class: sfguarduserprofile       foreign: id       local: practice_id       type: 1       ondelete: cascade   indexes:     validate:       fields: [validate] 

is there easy way achieve adding these nurses dynamically schema/forms have using doctrine/sf1.4?

manay thanks

i highly suggest rethink schema first. need store entities in 1 table?

instead, have different entities (classes) specific fields relate sfguarduser. example:

nurse:   columns:     account_id: integer(4)     name: string(255)     ...   relations:     account:       class: sfguarduser       local: account_id       foreign: id       type: 1       foreigntype: 1 

then, can embed nurse relation in sfguarduserform:

class sfguarduserform {     public function configure()     {        $this->embedrelation('nurse');     } } 

or, other way around:

class nurseform {     public function configure()     {        $this->embedrelation('account');     } } 

and same other entities. if feel however, enities pretty same, can have @ doctrine's inheritance, though frowned upon.


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