osx - Calling proc_selfppid() from an IOAudio kext in Lion -

i've got kext based on apple's audioreflectordriver sample code (it intercepts audio output , makes copy).

on <= 10.6, when call proc_selfpid() inside ioaudioengine subclass, reports pid of process generates audio. on 10.7, reports coreaudio_d process.

what changed? know apple has documented change? there way originating process id in lion?

update... apple dts engineer has informed me that:

the audio hal rewritten in lion , change side effect of effort. don't believe deliberate change, instead driven larger architectural changes in coreaudio. strictly speaking, don't believe proc_selfpid ever documented return useful in audio context, it's entirely possible information not available anymore.


the problem not kernel returing wrong pid, instead coreaudio's architecture has changed such audio coming different process.

still waiting hear him if there's way info in 10.7.

my suspicion wasn't documented because rewrite didn't alter api.


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