USB mass storage: device side data changes not visible on PC filesystem -

usage detail: usb being used mass storage device. device intelligent component , can create files @ run time.

why using mass storage then? since did not want develop usb dd different platforms transferring data. existing universal mass storage driver can used communication between pc , device

issue: when device plugged in pc, gets discovered separate drive , visible in file system. if create file on device side, memory visible pc, not reflect on pc's filesystem. updated data visible once perform soft reset of usb device or plug out , plug in device, since device enumeration take place again beginning.

question: why modified data in device memory not visible on pc? there method in usb low layer, using can send command pc perform device enumeration again?

this predictable, host caches filesystem structure not expect changed externally. may want try making media "removable", inform host of removal/insertion, suspect may annoy os (if medium not read only) , users. less traumatic device resetting itself.


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