jquery - z-Index Issue with jqGrid and Wijmo WijMenu -

i trying use jquery-based wijmo wijmenu control jqgrid in order create dynamic grid toolbar.

enter image description here

getting menu appear works fine. however, menuitem1 has submenu, , submenu falls behind jqgrid when hover on 'menuitem1'.

i've tried setting z-index on menu , individual menu items, no luck. behavior happens on ie9, chrome, ff , safari. work when turn compatibility mode on ie9, makes me think may have z-index...but i'm not sure. feel i'm missing obvious.

i created jsfiddle demonstrate issue.

can me submenu fall in front of jqgrid?

thank in advance help/advice.

it's not z-index issue. .ui-jqgrid .ui-userdata has overflow:hidden on it. try making overflow: visible.

although i'm not sure if cause problems on grid when doing this.


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