sockets - Implementing simple authentication on a TCP Server from NodeJS -

i sure don't understand basic concepts of tcp server , i'm not treating data streams, , worse that, might not using events well.

i wanted tcp server write socket 'username: ' can type in username (on tcp client netcat or telnet), , tcp server must treat next data username. far work (although i'm sure there better ways this), , next should write 'password: ' type in password, , if it's right one, should validate credentials , more stuff... happens when type in password, writes again 'password: ' because socket.write('password: '); inside socket.on('data',function(){//etc});

here's code have far:

var net = require('net');  var server = net.createserver(function (socket) {     socket.addlistener("connect", function () {         socket.write('username: ');         socket.on('data',function(data){             var username = data.tostring().replace('\n','');             socket.write('password: ');             socket.on('data',function(data){                 var password = data.tostring().replace('\n','');                 // verify authentication here                 // more stuff             });         });     }); });  server.listen('8000','localhost'); 

what correct way implement ? i'm implementing because need receive uploads (streams) may not have ending , don't come @ once. being stupid trying solve problem tcp server ?

thanks in advance.

you can use node ftp server source reference.

main problem in code: stream 'data' event gives incoming data split chunks. example, if client issued 2 write('username: u\n') , write('password: p\n') expect data content 'username: u\npassword: p\n' 25 'data' events 'u', 's', 'e', 'r' etc data buffers. need buffer incoming chunks or use state machine.


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