ASP.NET MVC3 CSS framework -

i'm wondering, css framework best suitable mvc 3? i've tried yaml , has several drawbacks in opinion, @ least using mvc 3:

  1. uses inputs buttons default (so, not compatible jquery ui, because jquery ui uses buttons in dialogs example).
  2. you need adjust css mvc 3 validation.
  3. i don't how describe forms (well may subjective opinion regarding this, anyway need use custom editors if wish stick yaml css style).
  4. some css class names not intuitive.

nothing, show stoppers, maybe there's better alternative - something, adapted mvc specifics, or may mvc project stub, adapted yaml css framework.

update: oocss looking good, lightweight , structured, worth checking out.
update 2: twitterbootstrap getting popular too, can mvc here

i have used both blueprint ( , 960grid ( quite mvc.

but more leaning towards "blueless" ( - ".less" ( version of blueprint excellent "chirpy" ( vs2010 add-in automagically converts , minimises css, javascript, less, coffeescript etc. quite transparently. wonderful tool.

both blueprint , 960grid layout , typography ... form design/styling @ standard jquery ui framework ( .. or perhaps telerik mvc extensions (

hope helps.


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