c# - Common.Logging config exception -

i'm getting following exception when try call

var log = logmanager.getlogger(this.gettype()); 

a first chance exception of type 'common.logging.configurationexception' occurred in common.logging.dll

an unhanded exception of type 'common.logging.configurationexception' occurred in common.logging.dll

additional information: failed obtaining configuration common.logging configuration section 'common/logging'.

this .net 4 application references

  • log4net.dll
  • common.logging.dll
  • common.logging.log4net.dll

my app.config has following:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration>     <startup>         <supportedruntime version="v4.0" sku=".netframework,version=v4.0"/>     </startup>     <configsections>         <sectiongroup name="common">             <section name="logging" type="common.logging.configurationsectionhandler, common.logging" />         </sectiongroup>     </configsections>     <common>         <logging>             <factoryadapter type="common.logging.simple.consoleoutloggerfactoryadapter, common.logging">                 <arg key="level" value="all" />                 <arg key="showlogname" value="true" />                 <arg key="showdatatime" value="true" />                 <arg key="datetimeformat" value="yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss:fff" />             </factoryadapter>         </logging>     </common> </configuration>     

i'm trying call so:

var log = logmanager.getlogger(this.gettype()); log.debug(m => m("testing")); 

what missing?

it runs ok if remove element startup config.

edit: instead of removing, move startup element after configsections.


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