iphone - How to Deselect tab when application is loaded -

i working on tabbar application. when application started, default first tab selected.

what want when start application, tab bar should displayed without selected tab. say, if have 4 tabs non them selected when application launched. default first 1 selected.

i want display views not part of of tabs.

is possible ?


yes, possible.

you need create view programmatically , add view in window superview , when don't need remove form superview.

[superviewname removefromsuperview]; 

code snippet:

- (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:(nsdictionary *)launchoptions {          // override point customization after application launch.     // add tab bar controller's view window , display.     [self.window addsubview:tabbarcontroller.view];         [self.window makekeyandvisible];   **additionalview** //======================= loginview ================================================     loginview=[[uiview alloc]initwithframe:cgrectmake(0, 0, 320, 480)];     imgview_logingpage=[[uiimageview alloc]initwithframe:cgrectmake(0, 0, 320, 480)];     imgview_logingpage.image=[uiimage imagenamed:@"screen.jpg"];      loginview.backgroundcolor=[uicolor blackcolor];           [self.window addsubview:viewnavigation.view];     [self.window addsubview:loginview];  // add view in window view  } 

// remove view superview -(void)login_clicked:(id)sender {

        homepage *obj_homepage=[[homepage alloc]initwithnibname:@"homepage" bundle:nil];         [self.window addsubview:obj_homepage.view];         [loginview removefromsuperview];         [loginview release]; } 

or either more easy way : open new view via presentmodalviewcontroller


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