iphone - How to rebrand an App in xCode -

apple forwarded me nice legal letter them-who-must-not-be-named , wondering best way rebrand app:

1) without loosing previous users == i.e. old no-no app should become updated new rebranded one

2) getting rid of references name bug them-who-must-not-be-named

my steps taken far:

  • changed graphics
  • went plist file , changed bundle display name

now questions:

  • what happens if change bundle identifier? can leave old problematic name in there? or problems?
  • what happens if change bundle name?
  • will have effect on old user's data structure, i.e. app crash if app looks in folder old name of app?

changing bundle display name , graphics should enough, bundle identifier isn't exposed user , must remain same because otherwise treated new app (and application loader complain bundle identifier doesn't match).


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