wcf ria services - Custom sort in domaincollectionview -

i'm using dcv property in view model. works fine custom sort? have string property in model should sorted alphanumerically. how can achieve such thing?



public class mymodel { ///... public someproperty {get;set;} } 


<data:datatextcolumn binding={binding path=someproperty}, canusersort=true /> 

when sorting within datagrid, property gets sorted disregard alphanumeric order, i.e. in regular string way. i'd apply custom sort, e.g. introducing own icomparer. no api available @ least know of it. clues?

the domaincollectioview has special collection:


you add next code in viewmodel:

dcv.sortdescriptions.add(new sortdescription("someproperty ", listsortdirection.ascending)); 


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