google play - Workaround to Android Market Cache Limits on Some Devices -

we released game on android market , it's 41mb in size. received reports users of devices unable install app (though sadly still allows them purchase it.)

researching issue found these devices have sort of cache limit applied downloads google market , our app larger limit.

based on reports these limits we've far determined:

  • samsung galaxy s1, galaxy tab 7, , captivate running android 2.2 have 30mb limit
  • htc desire/s/hd running android 2.2 has 40mb limit

apparently restriction applies google market because amazon users can download game without issue , runs fine on devices (tested no problems.)

looking solution barrier. suggestion keep hearing split assets , download them separately after install. seems messy i'll forced go route unless has better idea.

on huawey device limit caused /cache "partition" size. market downloads entire apk /cache before installing them. has 30mb, market refuses download larger apk, claiming out of space, without other app installed , plenty of space on /data partition.

workaround: obtain apk file non-market source , install it.


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