Rewriting my app from ruby/rails to javascript/express. Will mongodb suit my needs? -

my rails 3 database schema.rb looks this:

activerecord::schema.define(:version => 20110504034934)    create_table "comments", :force => true |t|     t.string   "name"     t.text     "content"     t.integer  "post_id"     t.datetime "created_at"     t.datetime "updated_at"     t.string   "ancestry"   end    add_index "comments", ["ancestry"], :name => "index_comments_on_ancestry"    create_table "posts", :force => true |t|     t.string   "name"     t.string   "title"     t.text     "content"     t.integer  "topic_id"     t.datetime "created_at"     t.datetime "updated_at"   end    create_table "topics", :force => true |t|     t.string   "name"     t.datetime "created_at"     t.datetime "updated_at"   end end 

the additions database user-related via openid. can mongodb handle this?

yes, mongodb can handle type of structure. note may want change structure of data. may want consider embedding comments inside of posts.

also take @ topics. if topic name unique (it is), may want consider making _id in mongodb.

if you're moving node / mongodb, you'll want check out it's simple orm mongodb. may model data.


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