silverlight - Visifire inquiry -

i created pie chart using visifire in silverlight. there way customize size of pie itself?

here code:

                    <visifire:chart.titles>                         <visifire:title fontsize="12" text="{binding graphname}" margin="0,10,0,0" />                     </visifire:chart.titles>                      <visifire:chart.series>                          <visifire:dataseries renderas="pie" labelenabled="false" bevel="true" shadowenabled="true" cursor="hand" yvalueformatstring="'$'######.## "                         lightingenabled="false" bordercolor="darkblue"                          borderthickness=".24" showinlegend="true" includepercentageinlegend="true" datasource="{binding personpositiongraphlist}">                              <visifire:dataseries.datamappings>                                 <visifire:datamapping membername="axisxlabel" path="positionname"/>                                 <visifire:datamapping membername="yvalue" path="positioncount"/>                             </visifire:dataseries.datamappings>                          </visifire:dataseries>                     </visifire:chart.series>                 </visifire:chart> 

actually there no separate property available control size of pie. need increase chart size or reduce font size of pie labels setting labelfontsize property in dataseries. if pie displays long labels can break labels multiple lines adding '\n'.

also can try setting dockinsideplotarea="true" in custom legend. if legend inside plotarea plotarea size increase , pie size increase accordingly. can maintain position , size of legend setting horizontalalignment, verticalalignment, maxwidth/maxheight properties in legend in order avoid overlap.


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