android - ViewFlipper.addView() gives Exception, while Showing Progress Dialog in AsyncTask -

what want: want show progress dialog while adding views dynamically viewflipper.

what have: have used asynctask achieve this. viewflipper declared in main activity, adding views viewflipper in doinbackground() of asynctask.

what problem: getting exception on viewflipper.addview() statement , exception " main has leaked window ..... added here. " , this.

here code:

public class main extends activity {        private viewflipper viewflipper;     /** called when activity first created. */    @override    public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate)    {       super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);       setcontentview(r.layout.main_flipper);        viewflipper = (viewflipper)findviewbyid(;       new loaddata().execute();       // other tasks.    }      class loaddata extends asynctask<object, void, string>    {       protected progressdialog  progressdialog;        @override       protected void onpreexecute()       {           super.onpreexecute();                    progressdialog =,"loading", "loading data...", true, false);       }        @override       protected string doinbackground(object... parametros)       {           (int = 0; < login.data_channel_name.size(); i++)           {             layoutinflater inflater = getlayoutinflater();             relativelayout rl_main = (relativelayout) inflater.inflate(r.layout.main,null);               textview tv_channelnumber = (textview)rl_main.findviewbyid(;             if(tv_channelnumber != null)             {                 tv_channelnumber.settext("some number");             }              textview tv_channelname = (textview)rl_main.findviewbyid(;             if(tv_channelname != null)             {                 tv_channelname.settext("some name");             }              viewflipper.addview(rl_main);           }                return null;       }        @override       protected void onpostexecute(string result)       {           super.onpostexecute(result);           progressdialog.dismiss();       }   } } 

you trying interact ui background thread isn't allowed. allowed mess ui in onpostexecute() , onpreexecute() methods. there method; onprogressupdate() can use so:

protected void onprogressupdate(integer... progress) { // on ui thread!     viewflipper.addview(rl_main); } 

obviously you'll need handle passing view method creating field or something. can call within doinbackground() following:


the function typically used updating percentage on loading bar or similar (hence passing integer) should work fine your purposes.


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