ruby on rails - on_the_spot gem not working -

i have installed "on_the_spot" gem following github instructions.

and i'm trying create in-place edit index action. when mouse on text should editable, nothing happens. background color changes.

this relevant code index view

<% @part_types.each |part_type| %> <tr>   <td><%= on_the_spot_edit part_type, :title %></td> </tr> <% end %> 

from controller:

class parttypescontroller < applicationcontroller  #on_the_spot in place editing can_edit_on_the_spot #.. rest of controller code end 

added routes:

resources :part_types   collection     put :update_attribute_on_the_spot   end end 

nginx restarted after these changes.

thank you

inside gemfile add following:

gem "on_the_spot" run installation task:

rails g on_the_spot:install

if u using rails 3.1 replace created files app/assets/javascripts (two files , on_the_spot)


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