ANTLR: Heterogeneous AST and imaginary tokens -

it's first question here :)

i'd build heterogeneous ast antlr simple grammar. there different interfaces represent ast nodes, e. g. iinfiexp, ivariabledecl. antlr comes commontree hold information of source code (line number, character position etc.) , want use base implementations of ast interfacese iinfixexp ...

in order ast output commontree node types, set:

options {   language     = java;   k            = 1;   output       = ast;   astlabeltype = commontree; } 

the iinifxexp is:

package toylanguage;  public interface iinfixexp extends iexpression {     public enum operator {         plus, minus, times, divide;     }      public operator getoperator();      public iexpression getlefthandside();      public iexpression getrighthandside(); } 

and implementation infixexp is:

package toylanguage;  import org.antlr.runtime.token; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.commontree;  // iinitializable has void initialize() public class infixexp extends commontree implements iinfixexp, iinitializable {     private operator operator;     private iexpression lefthandside;     private iexpression righthandside;      infixexp(token token) {         super(token);     }      @override     public operator getoperator() {         return operator;     }      @override     public iexpression getlefthandside() {         return lefthandside;     }      @override     public iexpression getrighthandside() {         return righthandside;     }      // iinitializable. called toytreeadaptor.rulepostprocessing     @override     public void initialize() {         // term ((plus|minus) term)+         // atom ((times|diide) atom)+          // exact 2 children         assert getchildcount() == 2;          // left , right child iexpressions         assert getchild(0) instanceof iexpression                 && getchild(1) instanceof iexpression;          // operator         switch (token.gettype()) {         case             operator =;             break;         case toylanguageparser.minus:             operator = operator.minus;             break;         case toylanguageparser.times:             operator = operator.times;             break;         case toylanguageparser.divide:             operator = operator.divide;             break;         default:             assert false;         }          // left , right operands         lefthandside = (iexpression) getchild(0);         righthandside = (iexpression) getchild(1);     } } 

the corresponding rules are:

exp // e.g. a+b   : term ((plus<infixexp>^|minus<infixexp>^) term)*   ;  term // e.g. a*b   : atom ((times<infixexp>^|divide<infixexp>^) atom)*   ; 

this works fine, becouse plus, minus etc. "real" tokens.

but comes imaginary token:

tokens {   program; } 

the corresponding rule is:

program // e.g. var a, b; + b   : vardecl* exp     -> ^(program<program> vardecl* exp)   ; 

with this, antlr doesn't create tree program root node.

in parser, following code creates program instance:

root_1 = (commontree)adaptor.becomeroot(new program(program), root_1); 

unlike infixexp not program(token) constructor program(int) invoked.

program is:

package toylanguage;  import java.util.collections; import java.util.linkedlist; import java.util.list;  import org.antlr.runtime.token; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.commontree;  class program extends commontree implements iprogram, iinitializable {     private final linkedlist<ivariabledecl> variabledeclarations = new linkedlist<ivariabledecl>();     private iexpression expression = null;      program(token token) {         super(token);     }      public program(int toketype) {         // do?         super();     }      @override     public list<ivariabledecl> getvariabledeclarations() {         // don't allow change list         return collections.unmodifiablelist(variabledeclarations);     }      @override     public iexpression getexpression() {         return expression;     }      @override     public void initialize() {         // program: vardecl* exp;          // @ least 1 child         assert getchildcount() > 0;          // last 1 iexpression         assert getchild(getchildcount() - 1) instanceof iexpression;          // iterate on vardecl*         int = 0;         while (getchild(i) instanceof ivariabledecl) {             variabledeclarations.add((ivariabledecl) getchild(i));             i++;         }          // exp         expression = (iexpression) getchild(i);     } } 

you can see constructor:

    public program(int toketype) {         // do?         super();     } 

as result of it, super() commontree ist build without token. commontreeadaptor.rulepostprocessing see flat list, not tree token root.

my treeadaptor looks like:

package toylanguage;  import org.antlr.runtime.tree.commontreeadaptor;  public class toytreeadaptor extends commontreeadaptor {     public object rulepostprocessing(object root) {         object result = super.rulepostprocessing(root);          // check if needs initialising         if (result instanceof iinitializable) {             iinitializable initializable = (iinitializable) result;             initializable.initialize();         }          return result;     }; } 

and test use:

package toylanguage;  import org.antlr.runtime.antlrstringstream; import org.antlr.runtime.commontokenstream; import org.antlr.runtime.recognitionexception; import org.antlr.runtime.tokenstream; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.commontree;  import toylanguage.toylanguageparser.program_return;  public class processor {     public static void main(string[] args) {         string input = "var a, b; + b + 123"; // sample input          antlrstringstream stream = new antlrstringstream(input);         toylanguagelexer lexer = new toylanguagelexer(stream);         tokenstream tokens = new commontokenstream(lexer);         toylanguageparser parser = new toylanguageparser(tokens);         toytreeadaptor treeadaptor = new toytreeadaptor();         parser.settreeadaptor(treeadaptor);          try {             // test with: var a, b; + b             program_return program = parser.program();              commontree root = program.tree;             // prints 'a b (+ b)'             system.out.println(root.tostringtree());              // (+ b), third child of root             commontree third = (commontree) root.getchild(2);              // prints '(+ b)'             system.out.println(third.tostringtree());              // prints 'true'             system.out.println(third instanceof iinfixexp);              // prints 'false'             system.out.println(root instanceof iprogram);         } catch (recognitionexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     } } 

for completeness, here full grammar:

grammar toylanguage;  options {   language     = java;   k            = 1;   output       = ast;   astlabeltype = commontree; }  tokens {   program; }  @header {   package toylanguage; }  @lexer::header {   package toylanguage; }  program // e.g. var a, b; + b   : vardecl* exp     -> ^(program<program> vardecl* exp)   ;  vardecl // e.g. var a, b;   : 'var'! id<variabledecl> (','! id<variabledecl>)* ';'!   ;  exp // e.g. a+b   : term ((plus<infixexp>^|minus<infixexp>^) term)*   ;  term // e.g. a*b   : atom ((times<infixexp>^|divide<infixexp>^) atom)*   ;  atom   : int<integerliteralexp> // e.g. 123   | id<variableexp>        // e.g.   | '(' exp ')' -> exp     // e.g. (a+b)   ;  int    : ('0'..'9')+ ; id     : ('a'..'z')+ ; plus   : '+' ; minus  : '-' ; times  : '*' ; divide : '/' ;  ws : ('\t' | '\n' | '\r' | ' ')+ { $channel = hidden; } ; 

ok, final question how from

program // e.g. var a, b; + b   : vardecl* exp     -> ^(program<program> vardecl* exp)   ; 

a tree program root

^(program vardecl* exp) 

and not flat list with

(vardecl* exp) ? 

(sorry numerous code fragments)

ciao vertex

try creating following constructor:

public program(int tokentype) {     super(new commontoken(tokentype, "program")); } 


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