Executing client side vbscript block with jquery -

im trying change bahavior in ads written in javascript , load them after page load completed.

these ads filled document.write:s(doesnt work after page loaded) had overwrite function , append code jquery instead.

thing script contains part

document.write('<scr' + 'ipt language="vbscript"> \n'); document.write('on error resume next \n'); document.write('shockmode = (isobject(createobject("shockwaveflash.shockwaveflash.9")))\n'); document.write('<\/scr' + 'ipt>\n'); 

that gives me code overwritten document.write

<script language="vbscript"> on error resume next shockmode = (isobject(createobject("shockwaveflash.shockwaveflash.9"))) <\/script> 

but when append script jquery seems ignored.

is there way append vbscript after page done loading?

if remember correctly easy call vbscript function javascript. why not create seperate file holds vbscript, link html page , call vbscript function @ bottom of page e.g somevbmethod

you'll need put link vbscript file after links js files. e.g

<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/simpleautoellipse.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.tools.min.js"></script> <script type="text/vbscript" language="vbscript"></script> 


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