cookies - Share authentication between two websites -

what best/proper technique share login between 2 sites.

i have website a, , websites b. both types belong same company, b running on customer premises. like, users login in b, , when redirected reason, don't need login again, , can work account in a.

of course, company make logins each 'b' user. problem user initiate login in or b.

would oauth do? or openid more suitable?

another option pass guid token in string, sort time live , valid ip address of requester, not sure user access web sites through same gateway.


oauth need. openid offers discovery useful when user gets choose authenticate (not use case). also, openid more complicated , dying protocol.

in scenario, server oauth server (or authorization server in oauth 2.0) , server b client. there many ways implement this, suggest start looking (and trying) how facebook oauth 2.0 implementation works. give idea of involved , of extension (e.g. display) make more user-friendly.


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