google app engine - Why error "Joins are only supported when all filters are 'equals' filters." -

i not sure doning wrong here? complains "joins supported when filters 'equals' filters." when query executed. how can around that?

query query = pm.newquery(iteminfo.class);  if (lastsyncdate != null) {     query.declarevariables("deviceinfo deviceinfo");     query.setfilter("this.todevices.contains(deviceinfo) && " +     "deviceinfo.phonenumber == numberparam && createddate > lastsyncdateparam");     query.declareparameters("string numberparam, lastsyncdateparam");     map.put("lastsyncdateparam", lastsyncdate); } else {     query.declarevariables("deviceinfo deviceinfo");     query.setfilter("this.todevices.contains(deviceinfo) && deviceinfo.phonenumber == numberparam");      query.declareparameters("string numberparam"); } map.put("numberparam", "123456"); query.setordering("createddate desc"); 

@persistencecapable(identitytype = identitytype.application, detachable = "true") public class iteminfo {     @primarykey    @persistent(valuestrategy = idgeneratorstrategy.identity)    private long id;     @persistent    private string number;     @persistent    private list<deviceinfo> todevices; } 

app engine's datastore isn't relational, , doesn't support joins, you're doing implicitly using field on referenced model. instead, should fetch entity or entities given phone number, , use keys of entities filter result dataset, eliminating implied join.


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