objective c - XCode compiler warning: 'class' may not respond to 'method' -

i'm trying rid of warning keeps popping up.

this part of wordlisttableviewcontroller.m

#import "wordlisttableviewcontroller.h" #import "xmlreader.h" @implementation wordlisttableviewcontroller  - (void)viewdidload {     [superviewdidload];     nsdictionary *status = [_maindictionary retrieveforpath:@"dealers"]; }  @end 

the xmlreader.h file:

#import <foundation/foundation.h> @interface xmlreader : nsobject <nsxmlparserdelegate]] > {     nsmutablearray *dictionarystack;     nsmutablestring *textinprogress;     nserror **errorpointer; } + (nsmutabledictionary *)dictionaryforpath:(nsstring *)path error:(nserror **)errorpointer; + (nsmutabledictionary *)dictionaryforxmldata:(nsdata *)data error:(nserror **)errorpointer; + (nsmutabledictionary *)dictionaryforxmlstring:(nsstring *)string error:(nserror **)errorpointer; @end  @interface nsmutabledictionary (xmlreadernavigation) - (id)retrieveforpath:(nsstring *)navpath; @end     

the warning i'm getting is:

warning: semantic issue: 'nsdictionary' may not respond 'retrieveforpath:'

it respond fine, cannot figure out how organise headers compiler know respond...

would appreciate on :)

well, category nsmutabledictionary (xmlreadernavigation) added nsmutabledictionary, , not nsdictionary. is, @ runtime method does exist on actual allocated object, invoked successfully. point of view of compiler though, nsdictionary in fact not respond retrieveforpath method.


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