c++ - BOOST ASIO multi-io_service RPC framework design RFC -

i working on rpc framework, want use multi io_service design decouple io_objects perform io (front-end) the threads perform rpc work (the back-end).

the front-end should single threaded , back-end should have thread pool. considering design front-end , back-end synchronise using condition variables. however, seems boost::thread , boost::asio not comingle --i.e., seems condition variable async_wait support not available. have question open on matter here.

it occured me io_service::post() might used synchronise 2 io_service objects. have attached diagram below, want know if understand post mechanism correctly, , weather sensible implementation.

rpc system implementation

i assume use "a single io_service , thread pool calling io_service::run()"

also assume frond-end single-threaded avoid race condition writing multiple threads same socket.

the same goal can achieved using io_service::strand (tutorial).your front-end can mt synchronized io_service::strand. posts back-end front-end (and handlers front-end front-end handle_connect etc.) should wrapped strand, this:

back-end -> front-end:

io_service.post(front_end.strand.wrap(     boost::bind(&front_end::send_response, front_end_ptr))); 

or front-end -> front-end:

socket.async_connect(endpoint, strand.wrap(     boost::bind(&front_end::handle_connect, shared_from_this(),      boost::asio::placeholders::error))); 

and posts front-end back-end shouldn't wrapped strand.


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