Facebook Authentication Without Redirect? -

is there way use facebook authentication (the oauth 2.0) without redirecting?

i not using facebook login button, supposed redirect https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth? client_id=your_app_id&redirect_uri=your_url, don't want redirect user outside of page. there way open url in popup window (how do btw?), , catch sessionchange event when working normal facebook login button?
using jquery , pyramid.


i made application client couple weeks ago behavior using facebook js sdk

fb.login(function(response){         if(response.session){         var user_id = response.session.uid,             access_token = response.session.access_token;         }     } ); 

you can send access_token server ajax if want. careful if you're using ajax, session expire if don't make calls fb.getloginstatus() every often.


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