python - About Twisted Documents -

i beginner twisted. recently, reading book "twisted network programming essentials".the example 2-3 in book below:

class quickdisconnectprotocol(protocol.protocol):   def connectionmade(self):       print "connected %s." % self.transport.getpeer( ).host       self.transport.loseconnection( )  


self.transport.loseconnection( )

where member "transport"? couldn't find 1 in protocol.

same question when comes ex2-4...

does have clue on how read twisted documents? thanks!

def makeconnection(self, transport): ([source][1])     """     overridden in twisted.protocols.amp.binaryboxprotocol,     twisted.protocols.ftp.protocolwrapper, twisted.protocols.ftp.senderprotocol,      twisted.protocols.policies.protocolwrapper,      twisted.protocols.stateful.statefulprotocol`      make connection transport , server.     sets 'transport' attribute of protocol, , calls connectionmade()      callback.     """ 

the transport connection whatever you're using, telnet, ssh, file, etc. search online api docs transport , see i.e.

here if transports exist,

known subclasses: twisted.conch.insults.insults.iterminaltransport,  twisted.conch.telnet.itelnettransport, twisted.internet.interfaces.iprocesstransport,  twisted.internet.interfaces.itcptransport  known implementations:,  twisted.internet._posixstdio.standardio, twisted.internet._win32stdio.standardio,  twisted.internet.abstract.filedescriptor, twisted.internet.iocpreactor.abstract.filehandle,  twisted.internet.protocol.filewrapper, twisted.protocols.loopback._loopbacktransport,  twisted.protocols.loopback.loopbackrelay 

depending on want connect to, use 1 of them when call makeconnection(transport), , when that, becomes attribute of protocol.


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