excel vba - Macro to show/hide a worksheet based on date value -

i have excel workbook created executable data days of month on separate worksheets. 'sheet 1' of executable has days of month listed. write macro show/hide worksheets based on date in 'sheet 1'.

for instance, if data month of jan has days 1,2,3,4,5,11,12 displayed macro should show corresponding worksheets day1, day2, day3, day4,day5 , hide day6 through day10 , show day11 , day12. pointers appreciated.

thank you.

public sub setsheetvisiblity()    'load data sheet 1 collection   'i'm making assumption have days listed horizontally    '1a 1*    dim currentcolumn integer   dim activedaycollection collection    currentcolumn = 1   set activedaycollection = new collection    while cells(currentcolumn, 1).value <> ""      activedaycollection.add cells(currentcolumn, 1).value       currentcolumn = currentcolumn + 1   wend    'make every sheet invisible/visible   each currentworksheet worksheet in worksheets      if currentworksheet.name == "day" + activedaycollection.item 1       currentworksheet.visible = true       activedaycollection.remove 1     else        currentworksheet.visible = false     end if    next currentworksheet end sub 

the code works off of assumption days in first sheet in increasing order, sheets named day###, ### day number, , have add line manually unhide first sheet. don't have vba me code might have syntax errors, should going in right direction.


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