Showing a CheckBox in a Cell of a ListView row isntead of a Boolean value in WPF -

i have listview in wpf application use dynamic binding. wish insert in cell of row checkbox instead showing boolean value specific row. should apply rows , should offcourse enable me unset , set (it update object in code) can last part myself. need figure out how put checkbox there.

it possible ? ideas ?

here xaml:

<listview margin="385,91,12,120"                  name="lsttransactions">             <listview.view>                 <gridview>                     <gridviewcolumn displaymemberbinding="{binding description}"                                     width="220">description</gridviewcolumn>                     <gridviewcolumn displaymemberbinding="{binding path=montantestimation, stringformat='{}{0:c}'}"                                     width="100">estimation</gridviewcolumn>                     <gridviewcolumn displaymemberbinding="{binding path=montantreel, stringformat='{}{0:c}'}"                                     width="100">réel</gridviewcolumn>                     <gridviewcolumn displaymemberbinding="{binding compte}"                                     width="120">compte</gridviewcolumn>                     <gridviewcolumn displaymemberbinding="{binding estverifie}"                                     width="70">verifié ?</gridviewcolumn>                 </gridview>             </listview.view>         </listview> 


you gotta change gridviewcolumn.celltemplate.
check out code snippet in question
wpf: checkbox in listview/gridview--how listitem in checked/unchecked event?


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