wpf - how to add DragDockPanel Dynamically, using ItemsControl? -

 <grid>    <blacklight_controls:dragdockpanelhost >           <itemscontrol itemssource="{binding path=dashboarditemlist}">                         <itemscontrol.itemtemplate>                             <datatemplate>                                 <blacklight_controls:dragdockpanel header="titel"/>                             </datatemplate>                         </itemscontrol.itemtemplate>                     </itemscontrol>                 </blacklight_controls:dragdockpanelhost>        </grid> 

this appear this..

the newly generated dragdockpanels itemscontrol, added inside dragdockpanel. not dragdockpanelhost. because dragdockpanels cannot move. need , generated dragdockpanes must directly add dragdockpanelhost, no inside dragdockpanel.

i had same problem. removing itemtemplate produced effect wanted.

<blacklight:dragdockpanelhost x:name="fields" >         <itemscontrol>             <blacklight:dragdockpanel style="{staticresource dragdockpanelstyle}">                 <contentcontrol cal:view.model="{binding}" />             </blacklight:dragdockpanel>         </itemscontrol>      </blacklight:dragdockpanelhost> 


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