c# - ADSF Secured Web Application Calling Web Services -

i have active directory federation services 2.0 setup , ready work, have scenario falls outside pretty i've read on enabling relying party application. 2 scenarios documented involve a) passive authentication web site or b) using thick client that's authenticated calling web services.

my scenario follows: have web application calls wcf services via net.tcp data access. need use adfs 2.0 secure each wcf call secure token.

i can't use use passive method of authenticating adfs web site (security restrictions outside control).

so question is, possible manually request secure token adfs via web site, use same token call wfc service methods?

have @ http://travisspencer.com/blog/2009/03/caching-tokens-to-avoid-calls.html. in blog post described how cache security tokens wcf service calls.

i think should possible "inject" fetched token in described "cachesecuritytokenprovider".


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