configuration - Android, Orientation Question with Tabhost and it's Very strange -
i have created tabhost , there 4 buttons on it.
i set android:configchanges="orientation|keyboardhidden" on every activity in menifest file.
and override onconfigurationchanged method listen event when screen oriented.
now there "bug", , don't know how solve it.
when click on 1 of 4 buttons(for example, a, b, c, , d), , rotate tablet's orientation portrait landscape, activity fine. onconfigurationchanged method works.
but when click b button on landscape mode, portrait state still kept(i want b button's onconfigchanged method called, doesn't). in word, if changed orientation, , click tab button, activity's onconfigurationchanged method won't called.
how can solve problem? lot.
you cant call onconfigchanged()
view or kind of callback, called device, far know. have no ideas besides comment.
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