delphi - Focus next control on enter - in overridden KeyUp -

i have custom class extends tedit:

  tmytextedit = class (tedit)    private      ffocusnextonenter: boolean;    public     procedure keyup(var key: word; shift :tshiftstate); override;    published      property focusnextonexnter: boolean read ffocusnextonenter                                  write ffocusnextonenter default false;   end; 

in keyup procedure do:

procedure tmytextedit.keyup(var key: word; shift: tshiftstate); begin   inherited;    if focusnextonexnter     if key = vk_return        selectnext(self twincontrol, true, false); end; 

but isn't moving focus next control. tried

if key = vk_return       key := vk_tab; 

but isn't working either. missing?

selectnext selects next sibling child control, ie. need call on edit's parent:

type   thackwincontrol = class(twincontrol);  if key = vk_return   if assigned(parent)     thackwincontrol(parent).selectnext(self, true, false); 


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