javascript - HTML5 Upload via XHR fails in Chrome -

i using xhr upload file works great in ff fails in chrome.

an error thrown says upload failed: 0 means xhr.status comes 0 - i'm not sure means? no other status recorded.

//check if have xhr / file support if (typeof file != "undefined" && typeof (new xmlhttprequest()).upload != "undefined") {     var xhr = new xmlhttprequest();     xhr.upload.onprogress = function(e){         if (e.lengthcomputable){             uploadstarted = true;              var loaded = (e.loaded / * 100;              showprogress(loaded);         }     };      xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){         if (xhr.readystate == 4){              if (xhr.status == 200){                 uploadcomplete();             } else {                 alert("upload failed: " + xhr.status);             }              console.log("status",xhr.status);         }     };      var formelement = document.getelementbyid("configform");"post", $("#configform").attr('action') , true);     xhr.send(new formdata(formelement)); } 

an xhr.status == 0 means there some network error. specs don't how can find out error was.

i suggest log whole xhr structure console (console.log(xhr)). maybe 1 of other fields contains valuable data.

if fails, check error logs of server. maybe wrong on server side.


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