pdf - Installation button using AS3.0 in Flash -

i havent seen question asked here yet, makes me wonder if common question @ all! out there knows!

i'm creating catelog business work , index page has done in flash (i have no acess old program used). how cd cat works (at least old ones have) put disc in, auto launches, , index pops up. on index there 3 links, install, view, , website (pluss exit button). install button when pressed launches instalshield wizard begins download pdf files cat (right catelog comprised of index page, , pdf files. if click 'view' button goes pdf index of companies products.) , link website. when whole thing done installing, there 2 icons on desktop: 1 brings website , 1 opens downloaded copy of cd cat. pdf files though.

i have no idea program used in creating origional catelog index, , tried contacting person did doesnt remember (this several years ago , left nothing me go on). i'm entirely new flash, learning, , creating download button daunting me. dont know begin! if spare info or go learn more this, please let me know. thank you!

this autorun cd flash projector on it. flash projector self contained flash executable.

article on autorun cd made:


you can make regular windows autorun pretty making hybrid runds on mac , windows quite bit tougher.

in order copy on pdfs or system type commands need use 'fscommand' can run executables , windows batch files.

how run executables covered here:


the fscommand reference covered here:


hope helps.


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