sql - C# - Attach file saved in database to an email -

how can add 1 or more files saved in ms sql database email? know how attach files saved in directory or fileupload control.

my datable fields such:

col1: email_id - int

col2: file_name - varchar

col3: file_content - image

so sql select statement prety simple:

select file_name, file_content attachments email_id = 333 

i can't figure how attach them emails afterwards.


  sqlcommand cmdselect=new sqlcommand("select file_name, file_content " +                " attachments email_id=@id",this.sqlconnection1);         cmdselect.parameters.add("@id",sqldbtype.int,4);         cmdselect.parameters["@id"].value=333;  datatable dt = new datatable();         this.sqlconnection1.open();         sqldataadapter sda = new sqldataadapter();             sda.selectcommand = cmdselect;             sda.fill(dt);      if(dt.rows.count > 0) {         byte[] barrimg=(byte[])dt.rows[0]["file_content"];         string strfn= "your file directory path" + convert.tostring(dt.rows[0]["file_name"]);         filestream fs=new filestream(strfn,                            filemode.createnew, fileaccess.write);         fs.write(barrimg,0,barrimg.length);         fs.flush();         fs.close();    //now can attache file email here file generate @ path stored in "strfn" variable } 

references : http://www.codeproject.com/kb/database/imagesaveindatabase.aspx


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