Sync Framework Deletes not being applied on client -

heres scenario: concerned sqlcesyncclient applying deletes, inserts, updates. have cases row may de-referenced table, , deleted. example, imagine this:

i have 2 tables; customer, , area, of customer.area references foreign key constraint

insert area values('australia') insert customer values('customer1','australia') 

-- sync happens. client gets 2 inserts.

update customer set area = 'new zealand' area = 'australia' delete area name = 'australia' 

-- sync happens. client gets 1 update , , 1 delete

the sqlceclientsyncprovider tries apply delete first, fails because of referential integrity constraints on client.

my first question is: why on earth did boys @ microsoft code syncclient process deletes first when breaks referential integrity rules? shouldn't apply deletes last????

my next question is: have managed reverse order inspecting code , writing whole applychanges method myself... when deletes not applied. there internal thing datasets means can't change order of processing?

the problem not order operations ( delete, update, inserts, ...), order placed synctables...

you should have synced area table first , after customer table.


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