sql - MYSQL CSV Import - Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field -

i have csv file on server in data looks follows;

16777216,17039359,"apnic debogon project" 17367040,17432575,"tmnet, telekom malaysia bhd." 17435136,17435391,"apnic debogon project" 17498112,17563647,"cj-hellovision" 17563648,17825791,"beijing founder broadband network technology co.,l" 17825792,18087935,"allocated krnic member." 18153984,18154239,"double cast" 18157056,18163711,"family net japan incorporated" 

i'm trying insert table structured follows;

ipoid    integer  11 not null primary key beginip  integer  14 not null unsigned endip    integer  14 not null unsigned org      varchar  255 ip_poly  polygon 

i have spatial index created on ip_poly field

i'm trying insert csv data following code

load data infile "/home/geoiporg.csv" table crm_geo_org fields terminated "," enclosed "\"" lines terminated "\n" (@beginip,@endip,@org) set ipoid      := null, beginip := @beginip, endip   := @endip, ip_poly := geomfromwkb(polygon(linestring( /* clockwise, 4 points , 0 */ point(@beginip, -1), /* 0, top left */ point(@endip,   -1), /* 1, top right */ point(@endip,    1), /* 2, bottom right */ point(@beginip,  1), /* 3, bottom left */ point(@beginip, -1)  /* 0, start */ ))), org:= @org; 

however when try error

error 1416 (22003): cannot geometry object data send geometry field

any ideas?

in later versions of mysql don't need wkb/ wkt transformations build geometry objects.

also, polygon overkill here: mbr can built single linestring well.

change ip_poly iprange linestring not null , use this:

load data infile "/home/geoiporg.csv" table         crm_geo_org fields         terminated                 ","         enclosed                 "\"" lines         terminated "\n"         (@beginip, @endip, @org) set     ipoid   := null,         beginip := @beginip,         endip   := @endip,         iprange := geomfromwkb(                         linestring(                                 point(@beginip, -1),                                 point(@endip, 1)                                 )                         ),         org     := @org; 


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