javascript - How can I load a new page when the iPhone/Android browser is reopened? -

okay, don't know how word question can tell. hence couldn't find solution on google, came here.

basically, process unfolds this:

1.) user logs site. 2.) user uses site, leaves browser , whatever else, without killing browser. 3.) user opens browser again check site again.

when 3.) triggers, want site detect , forward browser other page.

does make sense? if need clarification, let me know. believe there has way jquery or maybe plain js.


function onblur() {     document.body.classname = 'blurred'; }; function onfocus(){     document.body.classname = 'focused'; };  if (/*@cc_on!@*/false) { // check internet explorer     document.onfocusin = onfocus;     document.onfocusout = onblur; } else {     window.onfocus = onfocus;     window.onblur = onblur; } 

reference: is there way detect if browser window not active?


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