ruby - Organizing the Controller Directory in Rails (3) -

i'm developing application api gateway. in expectation we'll developing multiple versions of api on time , interest of having backward compatibility, looking have along lines of:

given this, looking have sub-routing system of own within each api. i'd have in terms of file structure in controller directory akin following:

/app/controllers/apiv1_controller.rb /app/controllers/apiv1/module_controller.rb /app/controllers/apiv1/response_controller.rb 

and have:

/app/controllers/apiv2_controller.rb /app/controllers/apiv2/module_controller.rb /app/controllers/apiv2/response_controller.rb 

what breaks down unsure how call methods within controllers in subdirectories, using like:

return apiv1::responsecontroller.index 

gives me:

undefined method `index' apiv1::responsecontroller:class 

any leads? setup require explicitly "require" requisite file manually?

pasted here in response question:


appname::application.routes.draw     resources :users     match 'api-v1/:token/:module(/:id(/:method))' => 'apiv1#route'     root :to => "welcome#index" end 


class apiv1controller < applicationcontroller     protect_from_forgery     respond_to :json      def route         rails.logger.level = 0"route action")"params: #{params}")         apiv1::responsecontroller.index(params)     end end 


class apiv1::responsecontroller < applicationcontroller     protect_from_forgery     respond_to :json      def index(params)         rails.logger.level = 0"index action")          result = {             'success' => true,             'controller' => 'response',             'api' => 'v1'         }         render :json => result     end end 

if looking versioning rest apis, can use restful_route_version gem. takes care of inheriting 1 version don't rewrite same rest apis every version.


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