android - Activity save state problem -

i new in android application development. working on chat(im) application. activity shows contact list , activity b chat activity(conversation activity). activity when click on contact entry(from contactlist) start activity b contact entry emailaddress(by putextra in intent). want chat person , click button , go activity showing list(contact).i click 1 entry , again start activity b different emailadd(putextra in intent).after listactivity , choose previous person chating.

now how can stop creating new activity , load previous activity stack previous state??????

thanks in advance. rawcoder

if asking how can have multiple instances of top level activity, cannot, there 1 top level activity.

activities created in stack, when create b b @ top of stack, when press button telling android top level of stack (current activity) no longer needed , gets removed.

you have save state , restore if that's need when b recreated.

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