oracle - SQL command not properly ended -

select /*+ parallel(aae,4) */ distinct nvl(aae.voucher_group_id,-1)  voucher_group_id,                            aae.nominal_transaction_amount unit_price,                            aae.original_currency_type currency_type,                            aae.segmentation_id              air_account_events aae             aae.time_hour_id >= m_start_thid               , aae.time_hour_id < m_end_thid               , aae.nominal_transaction_amount not null             minus            select vg.voucher_group_id,                   vg.unit_price,                   vg.currency_type,                   vg.segmentation_id              wh_voucher_groups_dim vg) ahm     on (whm.voucher_group_id = ahm.voucher_group_id , whm.unit_price = ahm.unit_price      , whm.currency_type = ahm.currency_type , whm.segmentation_id=ahm.segmentation_id) ahm 

when run following pl/sql there error

         wh_voucher_groups_dim vg) ahm                                       * 

error @ line 14: ora-00933: sql command not ended

can u pls guide error , pls guide change

you missing join condidition in line:

from wh_voucher_groups_dim vg) ahm    join ???????    on (whm.voucher_group_id .... 


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