testing - What dataset to work on when Azure role is in staging deployment? -

afaik staging deployments intended testing azure roles implies deploy role errors in code staging. if error damages data screwed.

how address that? can't stage role without reasonable data (hard test it) , can't let unstable role damage data.

do have maintain separate dataset staging? how problem typically solved?

afaik staging deployments intended testing azure roles implies deploy role errors in code staging. if error damages data screwed.

staging designed place deployment - spinning new role instances prior instant virtual ip address swap. while can testing there - e.g. making final checks deployment valid - it's not there allow lots of testing.

how address that? can't stage role without reasonable data (hard test it) , can't let unstable role damage data.

i've tested on development environment fake data or deployed separate azure service fake data. however, admit has never been in situation i've needed huge amounts of data testing - these tests have been test deployments 1 or 2 users.


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