xcode4 - Three20 error with xcode 4.0.2 -

i error:

shell script invocation error env: python: no such file or directory

run custom shell script "lint"

phasescriptexecution lint /users/nasser/library/developer/xcode/deriveddata/abc-fgspuusakfyzczfehhbduewymfmp/build/intermediates/three20core.build/debug-iphonesimulator/three20core.build/ script-668e63ea131a42f500ace4ab.sh

cd /users/nasser/documents/test2/abc/three20/src/three20core

/bin/sh -c /users/nasser/library/developer/xcode/deriveddata/abc-fgspuusakfyzczfehhbduewymfmp/build/ intermediates/three20core.build/debug-iphonesimulator/three20core.build/script-668e63ea131a42f500ace4ab. sh

env: python: no such file or directory

you need install python.

the best way use macports. download , install macports, install python via macports typing following commands in terminal:

sudo port install python26 python_select sudo python_select python26 


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