java - Android, How to use readTypedList method correctly in a Parcelable class? -

i have 2 activities, in first one, instanciate arraylist of object myobject. in second activity, need arraylist. i've found tutorial : have implemented class liked it's explain.

public class chapitre implements parcelable{

private int numero; private string titre; private string description; private int nbvideo; private arraylist<video> listevideo;  public chapitre(int numero, string titre, string description,         arraylist<video> listevideo) {     this.numero = numero;     this.titre = titre;     this.description = description;     this.listevideo = listevideo;     this.nbvideo = listevideo.size(); }  //getters , setters ...  private chapitre(parcel source) {     numero = source.readint();     titre = source.readstring();     description = source.readstring();     nbvideo = source.readint();     source.readtypedlist(listevideo, video.creator); }  @override public int describecontents() {     return 0; }  @override public void writetoparcel(parcel dest, int flags) {     dest.writeint(numero);     dest.writestring(titre);     dest.writestring(description);     dest.writeint(nbvideo);     dest.writetypedlist(listevideo); }  public static final parcelable.creator creator = new parcelable.creator() {     public chapitre createfromparcel(parcel in) {         return new chapitre(in);     }      public chapitre[] newarray(int size) {         return new chapitre[size];     } }; 


public class video implements parcelable{

private string titre; private int numero; private string url; private string description; private string imageurl; private bitmap image; private string duree;  /**  *   * @param nom  * @param numero  * @param url  * @param description  */ public video(string titre, string url, string description) {     super();     this.titre = titre;     this.url = url;     this.description = description; }  public video(int numero, string titre, string url, string description) {     super();     this.titre = titre;     this.url = url;     this.description = description;     this.numero = numero; }  public video(string titre,int numero, string url, string description, string imageurl) {     super();     this.titre = titre;     this.url = url;     this.description = description;     this.imageurl = imageurl;     this.numero = numero;      setimage(fetchimage(imageurl)); }   //getters , setters ...  @override public int describecontents() {     // todo auto-generated method stub     return 0; }  @override public void writetoparcel(parcel dest, int flags) {     dest.writestring(titre);     dest.writeint(numero);     dest.writestring(url);     dest.writestring(description);     dest.writestring(imageurl);     dest.writestring(duree);   }  public video(parcel source){     /*      * reconstruct parcel      */     log.v("tag", "parceldata(parcel source): time put parcel data");     titre = source.readstring();     numero = source.readint();     url = source.readstring();     description = source.readstring();     imageurl = source.readstring();     duree = source.readstring(); }  public static final parcelable.creator creator = new parcelable.creator() {     public video createfromparcel(parcel in) {         return new video(in);     }      public video[] newarray(int size) {         return new video[size];     } }; 


but nullpointexception on line "source.readtypedlist(listevideo, video.creator);" in class chapitre.

07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682): fatal exception: main 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682): java.lang.runtimeexception: unable start activity componentinfo{}:     java.lang.nullpointerexception 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @$1500( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @$h.handlemessage( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ android.os.looper.loop( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method) 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @$ 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method) 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682): caused by: java.lang.nullpointerexception 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ android.os.parcel.readtypedlist( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @<init>( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @<init>( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @$1.createfromparcel( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @$1.createfromparcel( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ android.os.parcel.readparcelable( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ android.os.parcel.readvalue( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ android.os.parcel.readlistinternal( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ android.os.parcel.readarraylist( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ android.os.parcel.readvalue( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ android.os.parcel.readmapinternal( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ android.os.bundle.unparcel( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ android.os.bundle.getparcelablearraylist( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ android.content.intent.getparcelablearraylistextra( 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     @ 07-21 10:07:28.212: error/androidruntime(682):     ... 11 more 

i've waste 1 day on this, if me, great,

thanks in advance

hopefully, you've figured out now. else stumbles upon one. nullpointerexception getting caused arraylist never being initialized.

this fix it:

private chapitre(){     listvideo = new arraylist<video>(); }  private chapitre(parcel source) {     // call above constructor     this();      numero = source.readint();     titre = source.readstring();     description = source.readstring();     nbvideo = source.readint();     source.readtypedlist(listevideo, video.creator); } 


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