Routes problem with path helper in rails 3 -

my route contains following:

namespace :admin     resources :retailers     resources :drop_ship_orders       collection          post :edit_individual         put  :update_individual       end       member         put :fire         :fire         post :resend       end    end end 

my view contains:

<%= form_tag edit_individual_drop_ship_orders_path %> <table class="index" id='listing_orders'>   <thead>     <tr data-hook="admin_orders_index_headers">       <th><%= check_box_tag('test') %></th>       <% if @show_only_completed %>         <th><%= sort_link @search, :completed_at, t("activerecord.attributes.order.completed_at") %></th>       <% else %>         <th><%= sort_link @search, :created_at,   t("order_date") %></th>       <% end %>       <th><%= sort_link @search, :number,         t("order_number") %></th>       <th><%= sort_link @search, :state,          t("status") %></th>       <th><%= sort_link @search, :shipment_state, t("shipment_state") %></th>       <th><%= sort_link @search, :email,          t("customer") %></th>       <th><%= sort_link @search, :total,          t("total") %></th>       <th data-hook="admin_orders_index_header_actions"></th>     </tr>   </thead>   <tbody>   <% @orders.each |order| %>     <tr data-hook="admin_orders_index_rows">       <td><%= check_box_tag "drop_ship_order_ids[]", %></td>          <td><%= l (@show_only_completed ? order.order.completed_at : order.order.created_at).to_date %></td>       <td><strong><%= order.order.number %></strong></td>       <td><%= t("order_state.#{order.state.downcase}") %></td>       <td><%#= link_to t("shipment_states.#{order.order.shipment_state}"), admin_order_shipments_path(order) if order.shipment_state %></td>       <td><%= %><br><%= order.order.ship_address.firstname%> <%= order.order.ship_address.lastname %><br><%= %></td>       <td><%= number_to_currency %></td>       <td class='actions' data-hook="admin_orders_index_row_actions">         <%= button_link_to t(:process_order), edit_admin_drop_ship_order_url(order) unless order.completed?%>       </td>     </tr>   <% end %>   </tbody> </table> <%= will_paginate(@orders, :previous_label => "&#171; #{t('previous')}", :next_label => "#{t('next')} &#187;") %> <%= submit_tag (t('multi_process')) %> <% end %> 

rails doesn't recognize edit_individual_drop_ship_orders_path

in controller added edit_individual action.

my error: undefined local variable or method `edit_individual_drop_ship_orders_path' #<#:0x000001067314a8>

can please me out?

thank you

two things when have problems routes: 1. restart server 2. check rake routes


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