filter - Solr search/faceting results have strange behaviour: i only get "stemmed" strings (hope it's correct definition) -

sorry title bad, didn't know how describe problem. i'm using sunburnt (python interface) query solr within django app. when i'm searching, ok, full string. on other hand, if i'm faceting (let's on "job_title" field) i'm getting stemmed words

like this:

<lst name="job_title">     <int name="manag">17095</int>     <int name="sale">7689</int>     <int name="engin">6995</int>     <int name="consult">4907</int>     <int name="account">4710</int>     <int name="develop">4509</int>     <int name="senior">4366</int> 

and on... text fieldtype definition:

<fieldtype name="text" class="solr.textfield" positionincrementgap="100" autogeneratephrasequeries="true">   <analyzer>     <tokenizer class="solr.whitespacetokenizerfactory"/>     <filter class="solr.stopfilterfactory"             ignorecase="true"             words="stopwords.txt"             enablepositionincrements="true"             />     <filter class="solr.worddelimiterfilterfactory" generatewordparts="1" generatenumberparts="1" catenatewords="1" catenatenumbers="1" catenateall="0" splitoncasechange="1"/>     <filter class="solr.lowercasefilterfactory"/>     <filter class="solr.keywordmarkerfilterfactory" protected="protwords.txt"/>     <filter class="solr.porterstemfilterfactory"/>   </analyzer> </fieldtype> 

i think porterstemfilter 1 screwing things up, need activate suggestions. help?

this why facet on unanalyzed fields. add field strfield type, use copyfield directive data there, , facet on new string field.


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