php - Zend Framework – subdirectories and deprecating action within the URL -

i’m in process of learning use zend framework, , i’m therefore trying grasp concept of mvc. through zend manual, , helpful youtube video tutorial have sort of understood concept – still there things need clarify.

the web project i’m working on web site organization i’m part of. consists of:

  • the public portion, consisting of information us, calendar , media – static information, couple of pages, calendar, need retrieve data db.
  • the internal pages, after login allow users rsvp events , comment them well.
    • the administrative controls , allows admins add events , manage users etc.

so far looks zend wants url this: http?://[domain]/[controller]/[action] here questions:

  1. do have have action in url, or lack of action use index-action default?
  2. can have subdirectory distinguish between internal , public portions of site: http://[domain]/internal/[controller]/[action] ?
    1. can done having subfolder within different mvc-folders somehow? latter question isn’t important, i’d separate 2 portions of site somehow.

do have have action in url, or lack of action use index-action default?

a controller can have default action triggered when no action specified in url. default action or index action.

can have subdirectory distinguish between internal , public portions of site: http://[domain]/internal/[controller]/[action] ?

yes can have, assume subdirectory refers url, not actual file-layout on server. can having controller per "subdirectory".

can done having subfolder within different mvc-folders somehow? latter question isn’t important, i’d separate 2 portions of site somehow.

you can separate per controller , can separate modules. far know of modules in zend-framework, in it's own sudirectory per module.

i think you're looking using conventional modular directory structure.


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