WCF REST services 'unexpected end of file' -

i have asp.net web application using wcf rest services insert 500 reords getting error 'unexpected end of file' have put

<bindings>   <basichttpbinding>     <!-- create custom binding our service enable sending large amount of data -->     <binding name="newbinding0" sendtimeout="00:10:00" maxbufferpoolsize="2147483647"  maxreceivedmessagesize="2147483647">       <readerquotas maxdepth="2147483647" maxstringcontentlength="2147483647"   maxarraylength="2147483647" maxbytesperread="2147483647" maxnametablecharcount="2147483647" />     </binding>    </basichttpbinding>  </bindings> 

in both client cofig , service config ,but same issue exists...any solution

solution stop , search articles wcf , rest , learn @ least essentials of api trying use.

basichttpbinding soap services, not rest services. rest services use webhttpbinding hard what's going on in application because first statement

i using wcf rest services

is in direct collision rest of question.


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